Speed Queen claims processing

The product model and serial numbers are a critical element of the warranty claim process. The purpose of this article is to provide you with important information to ensure your field technicians collect the correct numbers for warranty claims.
When looking at a GE product tag the model and serial numbers are very clear as shown below. The model is GTW525ACP0WB and serial number is MS989777G.

Let’s take a look at other examples that tend to be confusing.
Below is an Alliance Laundry Systems product tag for a Speed Queen product. Notice the full model number is required and not DV2000WE which is the Product Code.

Just the opposite is Bertazzoni, after receiving the tag and calling their customer service line we were informed NOT to use the model number. Even though the field name says MODEL they want the CODE number under the model number when filing a warranty claim.

Another difficult tag to read and interpret is the Bosch Home Appliance family of products. On some of the tags all the information is provided and on others tags you need to determine which of the characters/numbers are to be included in the 9-digit numeric serial number that is needed to file the warranty claim.
If you clearly see the FD: and the Z-Nr. adding the number after those characters will equal the 9-digit serial number: 021100367, 930700153 and 0206100314 are the correct serials shown below.

Ignore the first 2 digits (‘48’) which is the factory code. Start with the 3rd digit and use the next 3 which are the manufacturer date, in the case above its 0907 or July 2019 – 2010. The next6 7 digits repr5esend the manufacturer code, ignore them. The next 5 digits are to be added to the 3-digit date for the serial number (90700430). Ignore the last digit.
Below are three formats you may see for the serial number based on products manufactured by Beko and Bloomberg.

This number identifies the product, like the model number. It is a 10-character number as well, and always begins with the number 7. This identifies to the factory which country the unit was manufactured. Even if this number is identified on the Model/Serial tag as the serial number, IT IS NOT. The Model Number is outlined in Red, the Serial Number Yellow and the Product Code is in Green.
We find that some service companies enter model numbers without the dashes, spaces and slashes. Please note that this is incorrect MDD30CMBTH. It must be written as shown MDD30CM/B/TH Another example for BEKO is a model number MWOTR 30100 SS where the spaces are included. Simply including MWOTR30100SS in a claim is incorrect. You must use the spaces in your claims.
When it comes to Sub Zero-Wolf you must also use the slashes in the model number as follows 695/S.