Service Warranty impact on claims filing

This is the second article in a monthly series regarding our experience with processing thousands of warranty claims for home appliance service providers. Our goal is to provide you with informative tips and other knowledge to ensure you receive full payment for the warranty services you perform for all job sources. This month we will discuss the importance of the “Service Warranty” period and how it may prevent the payment of your claims if you do not understand specific OEM/TPA policies.

First, it is important to know your “Responsibility Period” for each job source (OEM/TPA) you are authorized to perform warranty/extended warranty repair service. This is the period of time in which you are responsible for the work that you performed for your customer better known as the “Service Warranty” period. While Service Warranty policies vary by job source, they usually range between 30 and 90 days from the original date of service performed. The following is a typical Service Warranty statement you will find in your Service Authorization Agreements.

Stay tuned for ClaimWorks™ a software connection portal that will eliminate the claims processing issues you may be faced with today. If you need help trying to determine what the manufacturer claims requirements are in order to get paid, we may be able to help. Call us at 877-535-WORK and watch the video